Welcome to the Steel City Division
Southeastern Region, National Model Railroad Association
This is an organization dedicated to the development, advancement and promotion of the hobby of model railroading. Our main goal is to share our knowledge and skills with anyone who is interested in the hobby of model railroading, or just railroading in general. We do this not only through this web site, but by periodic educational meetings, presenting how-to clinics on hobby related topics at local, regional and national conventions, and supporting other local organizations and clubs involved in model railroading. Our members also provide hands-on support to fellow modelers who are planning, building or operating their own model railroads. We encourage you to come join us in this enjoyable hobby.
The purpose of this web site is to share information from and about the members of the SCD, and about model railroading activites in our area. We will update the content of these pages as it becomes available, so check back often. The Internet also contains a wealth of information about our hobby and we have listed several of these sites on our Links page.